Hi Angels!
I'm just dropping in to give you some updates because I've been off the grid for a couple months.
First, thank you again to everyone who voted for me to be the opening act at the Audacy Concert this past October. Even though I did not get voted as the final act, all of your votes meant the world to me and I hope to get you just as excited--no even more excited about the projects I have coming out soon!
Second, new music is still being worked on. I have new songs I'm recording and recorded songs that are in post-production plus...new media + short film content that is being edited to pair with the new music. It's coming, step by step! As much as it might drag my timelines out, while it's all starting to come together, different bits and pieces are being added on to make the next music and media releases more well-rounded. Bits and pieces such as the story behind "RebelbyDesign", my tattoo of RbD and BTM that I got surreally before they were even a real concept, a short film produced by Casa Films on the making of SOM and the stories behind each song....more on all this later ;)
I took a break from social media and kind of drifted away to focus on some personal matters, mainly detoxing and healing. I'm finally back on and sharing that journey a little on my Instagram but mostly on my TikTok. I'm on my own cloud 9 with the rest of this ride to fully healing and the release of SOM, but now ready to share the next parts of what I'm creating and experiencing as they unfold. Come be part of it!
~María del Mar 💋